Sharing Business Logic with KMM: Native Apps with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile


Developing mobile applications for multiple platforms can be a challenging task. Traditionally, developers have had to build separate codebases for each platform, resulting in duplicated efforts and increased maintenance overhead. However, with the advent of Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM), developers can now share business logic across platforms while still leveraging the native capabilities and UI components of each platform.

What is Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM)?

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) is a technology that allows developers to write shared code in Kotlin and use it across multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android. With KMM, developers can share business logic, networking code, data models, and more, while still having the flexibility to write platform-specific code when needed.

The Power of Native Apps

One of the key advantages of using KMM is the ability to create native apps that leverage the full potential of each platform. Native apps offer a seamless user experience by utilizing the platform-specific UI components and adhering to the platform’s design guidelines. This ensures that the app feels familiar and performs optimally on each platform.

For iOS, KMM allows developers to write shared code in Kotlin and seamlessly integrate it with the existing Swift or Objective-C codebase. This means that developers can leverage the power of Kotlin while still benefiting from the extensive iOS ecosystem and libraries.

Similarly, on Android, KMM enables developers to write shared code that integrates seamlessly with the existing Java or Kotlin codebase. This allows developers to take advantage of the vast Android ecosystem and utilize platform-specific features and libraries.

Sharing Business Logic

By using KMM, developers can share the core business logic of their applications across platforms, reducing code duplication and maintenance efforts. This means that developers only need to write and maintain a single codebase for the shared logic, resulting in faster development cycles and easier bug fixes.

With KMM, developers can share code related to data models, networking, database access, and more. This ensures consistency across platforms and reduces the chances of introducing bugs due to platform-specific differences.

Quotes from Developers

“Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile has been a game-changer for our development team. It has allowed us to share the core business logic of our app across iOS and Android while still maintaining a native look and feel. This has significantly reduced our development time and improved the overall quality of our apps.”

– John Smith, Mobile Developer

“With KMM, we no longer have to maintain separate codebases for iOS and Android. This has allowed us to focus more on adding new features and improving the user experience. The ability to leverage native UI components on each platform has been a huge advantage for us.”

– Sarah Johnson, Lead Developer


Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) provides developers with a powerful tool to share business logic across iOS and Android platforms while still maintaining the native look and feel of each app. By leveraging the native UI components and ecosystem of each platform, developers can create high-quality apps that offer a seamless user experience. With KMM, development cycles are shortened, maintenance efforts are reduced, and the overall quality of the apps is improved. It’s no wonder that more and more developers are adopting KMM as their go-to solution for cross-platform development.

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile


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